Issue 7 | June 2023

An Ode to Generation Climate
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants - Isaac Newton
Dear Readers,
It’s been two years since Climes was born into the Climate space. The sheer multitude of learnings and experiences we have collected in that short time would be impossible to summarise, especially in this brief note. But of everything we have built and created, one of our greatest discoveries remains that of Generation Climate or Gen-C. A powerful ecosystem and network of individuals, brands, enterprises and institutions that are driving us towards a greener and more sustainable future. We have found Gen-C actors across all industries, ages, genders, countries, companies and more. Each one bringing their own unique contribution to the collective climate fight. Some we have partnered with, some we work with, some we have taken guidance from and some we have spoken to - but all have been invaluable in helping us get to where we are today.
This environment day and Climes birthday month we wanted to highlight our Gen-C Network and the amazing work they have been doing, their learnings, the progress they have made and their significant achievements in the Climate space. More than simply thanking them for their hard work and determination, we wanted to make it known to our wider community that the climate question is not going unanswered. There is a large network of powerful climate actors at work - and it’s only growing larger.
Thank you for being such a significant part of this journey, we hope you enjoy reflecting on how far we have all come.
Onwards and upwards 🚀

➞ We're thrilled to have some fabulous brands like Yatra, The Souled Store, The Brush Bud among others join our community
➞ Tune into a chat with our Gen-C brand partner WITHOUT by Ashaya's founder Anish Malpani to learn more about MLP and how they make sunglasses out from recycled plastic The Voice of Gen-C:

Word of the Month: Organic Mulching
Organic mulching is a practice in which protective layer of organic material is applied to the soil surface around plants like straw, wood chips or leaves.
"I learned about a few days back when I was checking zingbus. What a noble mission to back. These cleantech startups are solving for a very grave problem of climate change. Kudos!!" - Geeta Sharma, a zingbus customer