Issue 1 | December 2022

Carbon Neutral Events
Learn more about how we help you calculate the event's carbon footprint, obtain credits from impact projects to neutralise your emissions and more.
With Climes, you can now host carbon neutral corporate and private events that are engaging and interactive.
This product has been almost exactly a year in the making. The very first activity that was carbon neutralised through Climes was an online TEDx event, in November of 2021. Since then, Climes has built and implemented different product flows - before finally re-visiting this idea in the second half of this year.
This time around, however, we’ve expanded the product to include offline as well as online events. We have created a product that allows event organisers to purchase Climes in bulk, neutralise their event and distribute those Climes to the attendees. In doing so, they involve guests in their climate action by making it an interactive experience and also position themselves as Climate Conscious challenger brands.
We have already hosted a number of carbon neutral events with forward thinking brands like Hero Motors, Airbus, and Chivas. We’re looking forward to hosting many more, as the end-of-year event season goes into full-swing.

1. We welcomed our newest member - Earth Rhythm to the tribe. Read more here
2. Our partnership with zingbus has led to at least 65% opt-ins from their passengers month on month, neutralising more than 500,000 kgs of CO2e. Read more through this link
3. We recorded our first ever podcast episode with Tamarind Chutney, a brand that has sustainability built in their DNA. Stay tuned to hear it first!

Our Impact Projects 🌳
Making biodiverse forests financially viable for farmers, our project with Farmers for Forests was the most supported project through carbon neutral events!
1. Two Gen-C members celebrated their birthdays with us by neutralising their celebrations! 🎂
2. We met the youngest Gen-C members yet: Veer and Veda, who neutralised their first ever flight ✈️

Climes Times
Like every other climate action enthusiast, we excitedly wait for COP every year. Here's our take on COP27's agenda for the Carbon market and its implications.